Meldungen aus dem Jahr 2021

Making Scientific Discoveries – Interdisciplinary Reflections

17.12.2021: Edited by Jan G. Michel

Scientific progress depends crucially on scientific discoveries. Yet the topic of scientific discoveries has not been central to debate in the philosophy of science. This book aims to remedy this shortcoming. Based on a broad reading of the term “science” (similar to the German term “Wissenschaft ”), the book convenes experts from different disciplines who reflect upon several intertwined questions connected to the topic of making scientific discoveries.
Among these questions are the following: What are the preconditions for making scientific discoveries? What is it that we (have to) do when we make discoveries in science? What are the objects of scientific discoveries, how do we name them, and how do scientific names function? Do dis-coveries in, say, physics and biology, share an underlying structure, or do they differ from each other in crucial ways? Are other fields such as theology and environmental studies loci of scientific discovery? What is the purpose of making scientific discoveries? Explaining nature or reality? Increasing scientific knowledge? Finding new truths? If so, how can we account for instructive blunders and serendipities in science?
In the light of the above, the following is an encompassing question of the book: What does it mean to make a discovery in science, and how can scientific discoveries be distinguished from non-scientific discoveries?

From Existentialism to Metaphysics

06.12.2021: The Philosophy of Stephen Priest
by Benedikt Paul Göcke and Ralph Weir (volume editors)

The pieces collected here are written by fifteen philosophers and one poet who have been influenced by Stephen Priest, or develop themes in Priest’s philosophy, or both. They include contributions from the United Kingdom, the USA, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Taiwan and Japan by authors working in a range of traditions. Topics covered include philosophical method, the analytical/continental divide, the nature of the mind (or self, or soul), metaphysics, and the meaning of life. The volume also includes responses by Priest and an intellectual biography, describing some of the life-experiences which caused Priest to become interested in philosophy and to make the transition from existentialism to metaphysics.

The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism

28.10.2021: Herausgegeben von Joshua Farris and Benedikt Paul Göcke.

The influence of materialist ontology largely dominates philosophical and scientific discussions. However, there is a resurgent interest in alternative ontologies from panpsychism (the view that at the base of reality exists potential minds, minds, or mind-lets) to idealism and dualism (the view that all of reality is material and mental).

The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism is an outstanding reference source and the first major collection of its kind. Historically grounded and constructively motivated, it covers the key topics in philosophy, science, and theology, providing students and scholars with a comprehensive introduction to idealism and immaterialism. Also addressed are post-materialism developments, with explicit attention to variations of idealism and immaterialism (the view that reality depends on a mind or a set of minds).

Transhumanism and Theology Bookseries

28.10.2021: Prof. Göcke ist Series Editor einer neuen Buchreihe, die im Trivent Verlag erscheinen wird.
Short outline: The book series “Transhumanism and Theology” intends to address the prospects and problems of the transhumanistic agenda broadly understood from genuine theological points of view. We publish monographs and edited volumes of the highest quality that grapple with the prospects and problems entailed by transhumanism from specific theological points of view across or within the religious traditions.

Was ist gute Theologie?

05.10.2021: Sind die Reformvorschläge, die beim Synodalen Weg diskutiert werden, gute Theologie? Kritiker bemängeln die Qualität der Texte – doch woran erkennt man eigentlich gute Argumente? Der Religionsphilosoph und Theologe Benedikt Göcke erklärt es – und hat einen Tipp für die Synodalen. Das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen bei

Call for Papers - Winter Seminar 'Progress in Theology'

24.03.2021: "It seemed to Brother Juniper that it was high time for theology to take its place among the exact sciences. (...) What he had lacked hitherto was a laboratory." - Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927)

When: January 27-29, 2022
Where: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Organizers: Gijsbert van den Brink, Rik Peels, René van Woudenberg, Jeroen de Ridder,
Samira van der Loo
Website: More information can be found here



23.03.2021: TheoLogica, an International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology, is editing a special issue on analytic science-engaged theology with guest editors Benedikt Paul Göcke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Joanna Leidenhag (University of St Andrews). TheoLogica invites the submission of papers focusing on analytic science-engaged theology.

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